After Reading the articles “Employment of CALL in
Teaching Second/Foreign Language Speaking Skills” and “Using Original Video and
Sound Effects to Teach English” I have acquired new knowledge on the way that CALL can be used to teach
specific skills in a second or foreign language. Moreover, using an original video recording and sound
effect to teach English is an excellent idea when we want to integrate videos
into lessons, but we don't find them for a specific topic or the material we
find is not the most appropriate for our class.
article show us the idea of recording yourself or make a video about something
by yourself, it sounds very challenging, but at the same time it is the opportunity
to try something new and that I would like implement in my classes. Something
interesting about this is that it is possible to use the same video to teach
different topics and practice different skills like vocabulary, grammar, and
listening. It is important to say that creating material for the different
skills is kind of difficult, but using this methodology we can do and get what
we need for our classes.
Furthermore, in the article I read about the advantages and
disadvantages of the integration of CALL for speaking skills. CALL provides
motivation to students and it has a variety of resouerces to use. In addition,
language teachers and learners are provided with an authentic and stimulating
conversational environment. For example, broadcasting, video or audio
conferencing over the network, discussion forums, etc. However, computer
programs for speaking or pronunciation do not always imitate a human voice very
well and they are unable to produce or understand natural language or have a
real verbal interaction. Using a recording voice is very important because you
are helping your students, but at the same time teacher are learning new things
to integrate new materials in the classroom.