viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

Week 1: Computer-Assited Language Learning.

Resultado de imagen de technology  in education

The article mention that Computer-Assisted language Learning have been working seen 1960. This process or method has helped a lot to students who need to learn or practice a language.
 As in  the article says, now teachers are only facilitors to students. Teachers are not going to be replaced for a technological tool; now the function of a teacher is to facilitate students with the things that they need to clarify doubts. Another thing that it is mentioned is that CALL allow learners to work on their own using the materials they present. Moreover, CALL is essentially a tool that helps teachers to facilitate the language learning process. It can be used to reinforce what has already been learned in the classroom or as a remedial tool to help learners who require additional support.
Nowadays, most of the people have the opportunity to use the computer and access to the internet to search for something they need to learn. I think that the purpose of the article is that the things have to change in terms of the ways students learn a language. Now they have the chance to use different programs to learn and they can also practice because the programs give them the opportunity to interact with the computer or the system they are using. It is important to know that not only technological tools can help students to learn a language; students can also have the opportunity to change opinions with classmates or teacher when they are in classes. Teacher have some benefits using this method with the students; some of them are the following:

  • Multi-modal practice with feedback: using a program in the computer can help students because they can have the opportunity to have feedback in the exercise they are practicing. In some cases teacher cannot have the chance to help each student. Using the computer allow them to access any time they need to have feedback.

  • Individualization in large classes: When a student use a computer they can learn better because they focus more in the things they are learning because teacher cannot help when there is a big number of students in a classroom.

  • Pair and small group work on projects, either collaboratively or competitively.

  • The fun factor: Students who takes classes on computers can have fun, but at the same time the process of learning is going to be more meaningful if they use this tool in a good way in order to help them.

  • Variety in the resources available and learning styles used: Students can take advantage of the resources they have available in the programs they have in the computer.

  • Exploratory learning with large amounts of language data

  • Real-life skill-building in computer use: They can have the opportunity to develop some of the skills in which they have problems by using a computer.

In conclusión, the use of technological tools nowadays is very important for students becasuse they have the opportunity to learn more by themselves. Most of the time, as I said before teachers do not have much time to help everybody in the class. I think that now we do not have excuses to say that we cannot use a computer and access to internet to learn something new. Most of the people have the chance to use this tool, but sometimes they do not use it in a correct way.

Take advantage of the opportunity we have nowadays!

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