miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

Week 11: Using Mobile Phones for Language Learning.

The article for this week is called “Twenty Ideas for Using Mobile Phones in the Language Classroom”. It is an interesting topic for this week. And at the same time is a good to use mobile phones to learn. As we know, nowadays it seems mobile phones are used everywhere by everyone.

Resultado de imagen de dispositivos mobiles en clasesThe article described twenty ways to use mobile phones to support second language learning, inside and outside the classroom, Students now are using mobile phones more than a computer because with mobile phones they have the opportunity to take them everywhere. For this reason, this article mention some of the ideas that teacher can use to teach, using a mobile phone. As we know, students are aware with the social networks so teacher should take advantage of this situation by leaving homework or doing different activities using social networks.

 Furthermore, using mobile phones allow teachers to use and practice with four skills: Writing, speaking, listening, and reading. Mobile phones are not only to distract students, teachers can integrate mobile phones in education and get benefits from them. But at the sometime there are some challenges that can be presented while using mobile phones, for example:  lack of access to mobile phones, Cost of mobile phones and wireless services, Noise and disruption in class, and privacy considerations. But teacher have to think about this challenges and find a way  to use this tool.
In conclusion, the article offer a lot of opportunities for language learning by taking advantage of a tool that students are intimately familiar with and carry around at all times.

1 comentario:

  1. I agree with you Dalila!
    Teachers (us) should take advantage of the digital era education is being part of. Starting from social networks to a simple chat, using mobile phones in the ESL classroom brings along a lot of profit to the learning process; having students work with something they are more than “used to", does not only mean extended practice-time but the posibility they become more autonomous learners.
    On the other hand, I could not agree more when you say that there are some challenges when using mobile phones for educational purposes. The one about privacy is the one that calls my attention the most. It implies reluctant students towards mobile phones activities and teachers getting overloaded with homework checking information.
