viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

Week 14: Benefits of Participation in classroom.

The article for this week is called "10 Benefits of Getting Students to Participate in Classroom Discussions" by  Maryellen Weimer, and the second article is "Increase Student Interaction with 'Think­Pair­Shares' and 'Circle Chats'" by Kristina Robertson, I read about how to boost participation among language learners and the positive outcomes of doing it. Besides this, we had the opportunity of experiencing how technology can help us to promote participation with students.

Resultado de imagen de participacion de ninos en clases

The first article article was very helpful; the author exposes the benefits of making students participate in classroom discussions. Something that I learned from this article is how participation can provide feedback to teachers. When listening to the way students express their ideas, teacher can identify what areas of the language they need to emphasize to improve, for example. Moreover, a wrong answer from a student can help teachers know what is not clear enough for students, in this way they can try to focus more in that áreas.

In the second article Robertson's provides examples of two different activities that can be performed in the classroom in order to boost students' participation. These activities are "Think­Pair­Shares" and "Circle Chats". What I liked from this article is that the author explained the steps of each activity in a very clear and detailed way. Also, using this methodology students have the opportunity to increase interaction, and the teacher has an opportunity to hear and monitor many students including those who don’t usually speak in class

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Dalila , I agree with you because as you said “we had the opportunity of experiencing how technology can help us to promote participation with students. We are in the process to observe how technology motivate student to participate in classes. Also, you mentioned something really important about Think¬Pair¬Shares and Circle Chats .which are two way to promote the interaction of students, sometimes they are shy to participate but with this new methodology it changes. So both articles were really important and helpful for students.

  2. Hello Dalila , I agree with you because as you said “we had the opportunity of experiencing how technology can help us to promote participation with students. We are in the process to observe how technology motivate student to participate in classes. Also, you mentioned something really important about Think¬Pair¬Shares and Circle Chats .which are two way to promote the interaction of students, sometimes they are shy to participate but with this new methodology it changes. So both articles were really important and helpful for students.
